Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Mulok: (I will make it) My Own Course :)

I have decided to accept to teach a subject called Mulok (Muatan Lokal = Local Load) for two classes of social science stream in a high school where I am working. Hesitating at first, now I am really excited.
The subject Mulok is supposedly a subject that is unique to each school, each community, and/or each area all over the country. Herewith comes the word ‘local’. However, in some schools this subject is not organized or planned well that many times students ended up doing something not really educative to their mind. In my school, for example, students ended up doing some school-cleaning activities. (Maybe my colleagues will disagree with me but I’m so against this way of teaching Mulok. Cleaning? Oh, come on!)
At first, actually I hesitated to say yes to teaching Mulok. Afterall I am a math teacher and I want to focus on the teaching of mathematics. I have already declined teaching the subject ICT. But then the thought that I can do, to some extent, any ideas I have in mind became appealing. What do I want to do with the students in this course? A problem solving course? An interdisciplinary course? A mathematical modelling course? Some open, montessori-like course? A writing course? A farming course? I am TOO excited now.
I would not be surprised if the social stream science students will complain if I decide to do some mathematically-flavoured course . :) Then how about a photography course? A cooking course? Ha ha.. I am kidding. I am selfishly forcing my own interests now, ;) although these two ideas might be really fun! LOL.
Therefore, I’ll decide to write regularly (weekly) of what I do with this course in my other blog, the one that I’ve created for sharing my experiences in teaching mathematics (supposedly but it is pretty much empty now). However, I will write in my language, Bahasa Indonesia, so that hopefully more fellow Indonesian teachers  will be able to read it and comment or criticize my course. It will be exported to this blog and eventually to Facebook Notes. If you have any ideas on what to teach in this subject or you want to share how your school does this subject, just comment below.
Zoooooooooooooo, tot later!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010



I went to the beach with three friends today. The near-sunset-time scenery of the beach was stunning. We made pictures and the motor-bike riding to home along the long beach gave us not less stunning view.



For some period of time after this trip I felt so happy and during the bike-ride I had thought to myself, “This beach can prevent me from missing Amsterdam”. (LOL, but you know what I mean. ;) Amsterdam had filled two years of my life so I’ll remember it for sure.)

Several hours after reaching home, another thought crossed my mind and as a worry was creeping in, the happiness faded away. And when I realized this, I thought, “Dian, you were so happy just a short while ago. What now?”

Happiness is indeed about how you take things that happen to your life. It is about balancing your hope and gratefulness. The happy feeling will come and go. But now when I feel that the happy feeling is going away, I think it won’t be that difficult to make it come back again because I am home. I am home where all people whom I can go and talk to are all around. Blah, I am being sentimental and pretending to be wiser. :D

Anyway, yeah, I am happy, that I am home. (Grin)