Thursday, April 30, 2015

On Weaning (with love)

So my baby boy F turned two yesterday. Since I have decided to wean him when F is two, weaning (with love) program is activated.
Why do i put the phrase 'with love' in brackets? It's because even though i wish i could do it the weaning-with-love way to wean F, i am willing to do the-sudden-weaning way, if i have to. You know, putting something red or bitter on your breast.
I really hoped I wouldn't have to do that. Weaning with love is still the goal. Thus, I have told F since a month ago that he could only nurse for a month. I told him when he blows a candle and is two years old, he is a big boy and big boy does not breastfeed anymore. F then complained, whined, and  cried. He did the same when I tried to wean him during the day. So, he still nursed actively till yesterday.

Naturally, I am worried if i really have to do sudden weaning. So last night, I lit two (regular) candles and ask him to blow it. He did, with big help from his dad. I was so anxious when it was time for bed. But alhamdulillah....., when he asked to nurse, I just reminded him that he is two, has blown the candles, and is a big boy.  I am a PROUD mama. Baby,... i love you so much.

Until  today, he understands when I refuse to nurse him. I hope this weaning with love thing is really succesfull. Aaamiin...

My heart broke a little when
  1. he asked for a hug before he managed to fell asleep. (Rubbing his body to get him to sleep took forever without breast-feeding)
  2. he was restless in his sleep. he rolled around and almost rolled to the floor. Thank god I somehow woke up and catched him in time.
  3. I refused his asking to nurse at 3.30 am and F asked for milk instead. I totally wanted to cry. I ended up nursing him (partially because my breasts were hard and hurting).

Thursday, March 12, 2015


sdh bisa menggunakan kata dulu dan imbuhan -nya (bengkulu: nyo).
lucu sekali..
dan sudah bisa mengucapkan kalimat yang terdiri dari 5 kata.
misalnya: rid gi mah nenek dulu! (sambil bawa payung).. rid mamam si reng dulu (farid mamam nasi goreng dulu)
i said : dah mandi tingal mamam lagi, he said dah mandi nggal mamam gi.

gigi masih 8 bawah 6 atas. masih kurang banyak, sih.

toilet training masih bmau belum sukses, tp sekarang kl mau kencing, turun ke lantai dari kasur. Kl dibawa ke wc, sdh bs pup.

dah diajak pakai baju sendiri, celana sendiri. masih blm mau belajar.

dibelikan krayon, dah corat-coret dinding. :)

ternyata sukaaa nasi goreng. hehe

loncat kapan sih, seharusnya bisa? blm bisa si F.

suka teriak ma ek (bima x) dan mulai memukuli siapa aja. :P

Farid, I love you oh so much!