Friday, October 17, 2008

Caffeine & Bladder

Yesterday, I drank one cup of coffie met melk and 2 cups of cappuccino at AMSTEL institute around 11 a.m. before my multimedia class.
It really wasn't coffie, since it contained milk and I put 2 packs of sugar and one pack of cream in each cups. It's more like eating sugar. (which is as bad :p)
Anyway, the result was I had to go to the toilet 3 times during 1 and 3/4 hours multimedia class and of course, sleepiness just refused to come last night.
Though it was kind of good 'coz I haven't finished my homework that is due today, still, being awake until 2 a.m. is not good for your health.

I finally managed to force myself to sleep after lying on my bed for I-don't-know-how-many minutes.

- Just stuck to chocolate milk.
- Drink lots of coffie if you haven't finished your tomorow-due homework.
- Don't drink coffie if drinking coffie is not your habit.
- Here's a link to wikipedia for bad effects of caffeine in coffie.


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