It is 2015 and i am reviewing my posts, deleting the unclear and too personal rants. Then i found this old post in draft and i thought i want to cherish this post. This determination. So here it is. oh, Fyi, i totally got over him.
Again, this is another diary entry. I wrote this so that one day I can reread and smile remembering my feelings at this moment. If Blogger doesn't ever suddenly delete this blog, that is. :)
Sad but yeah, recently I just have experienced having my first serious unrequited crush. Why serious? This time the feeling developed within my three weeks of being in the same space with him was quite deep and i've been having a hard time to get over it.
I even considered confessing to him so that I would get an outright rejection. Surely direct rejection will make me get over him, I thought.
One friend gave green light to this idea. Another friend not so much, because girls don't confess, you know. Boys do that, not girls. Some boys hate aggressive girls. When i explained that the purpose is as above, i.e. to get over him, she said reluctantly i could try. He he
Truth is, although i believe there is nothing wrong with girls confessing, I did not have enough courage to do it. Ha! I could not muster the strength to face a rejection. :D
Boys are much much better at coping with rejection than girls, I assume. That's why they're the ones who mostly do the confessing. He he.
Finally, after some three weeks from the last meeting with him, I posted this on my FB:
'will forget him tomorrow. I'm 90% over my unrequited crush so i think tomorrow my heart will be free.'
Or something like that. I don't really remember anymore the exact words and the post was deleted on the said tomorrow after serving its purpose.
I posted it to seal my promise to my self. If I tell people, i won't back down from the plan.
It worked. I am over him 99,9% now.
I'll just let the 0,1 % of the crush die through time. Time heals all wounds, right?
And he, my crush, had never shown any interest in me at all. No secretly-staring-at-me. No effort to talk to me. So my crush is a lost cause and I'm not that stubborn to hang on to a lost cause. :D
It'll die in no time. ;)
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2 hours ago
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