Thursday, February 26, 2009

Sadness Management

Being sad is part of our life as human.
Sometimes we're sad, sometimes we're happy.
I am sad now, and am thinking of some cure.

It could be a talk with a good friend.
It could be strolling in a park.
It could be nibbling a pack of chocolate or whatever one's favorite food.
It could be writing down all your feelings.
It could be smelling fresh fragrant roses.
It could be shedding town some tears for some minutes.
It could be staring at the night sky.
It could be (window-)shopping in shopping streets.
It could be reading the Qur'an.
It could be standing outside and feeling the cold in your face.
It could be stroking your beloved cat while telling him/her your sadness.
It could be doing new (not necessarily crazy) adventurous things.
It could be praying to God.
It could be doing some gardening.

But maybe, maybe this next one will be the most effective cure of all.
It could also be reminding ourselves of life after death.
Sometimes we love this world too much and everything that goes against our wish sadden us.
Sometimes we love this world too much and all we could grieve about is what we fail to have.
Sometimes we love this world too much and forget that we have another world to face after death.

So let's just be sad for a while and then stop.
Especially when what makes us sad only matters while we're living this mortal world.

Now, I want to turn off all lights, open my window wide, lay on my bed, stare at the night sky, and be sad for a while..

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Definisi "Macet"

Apa yang harus kita lakukan kalau pikiran "macet"?

"Cari tahu dulu penyebabnya", begitu mungkin kata anda.

Tapi bagaimana kalau saya katakan tidak ada penyebabnya?

Tiba-tiba saja pikiran kita macet. Bekerja sih, tapi tidak mau diperintah oleh pikiran sadar Anda.

"Tidak mungkin dong, macet tanpa alasan", anda mungkin berkata.

Dan saya tidak bisa menjawab, karena sebenarnya saya pun setuju dengan anda.

Pasti ada alasannya, hanya saja saya tidak tahu pasti apa. Atau tahu tapi pura-pura tidak tahu.


Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Belajar Mengambil Keputusan

Mengambil keputusan selalu saja merupakan masalah yang tidak ringan bagiku.
Takut salah, ragu-ragu, bolak-balik, plin-plan, sangat tergantung pada pendapat orang lain, sampai akhirnya meminta orang lain untuk mengambilkan keputusan buatku sering kali kualami.
Kadang aku benar-benar benci pada diri sendiri. Sudah setua ini, tapi masih juga belum dewasa.
[Halah, benci pada diri sendiri, my another issue. :) ]

Jadi, aku putuskan untuk ... well..., just do it. Make a decision and then learn to cope with whatever results I will get.

So I did.

I decided to take the 200 euros Dutch-course at INTT-UvA, even though I just heard that there is a free Dutch course provided by a foundation and the municipality.
Even though I will need to use that 200 euros to save for a ticket home.
Aku sudah bolak-balik memikirkan hal ini.
Ada pro dan kontra yang tentu udah masuk pertimbangan. (I won't tell it here)
Apa keputusan ini tepat? I don't know.
I have decided and I'll bear the consequences.
Kalo ternyata tidak tepat, aku putuskan untuk yah... menjadikan kesalahan ini sebagai pembelajaran.

I decided to not take the Applied Statistics course that I'm interested in.
Lagi, aku jungkir balik hanya untuk memutuskan hal ini. (Can you believe it?)
I really want it. I do!
But then I decided I don't need it. So I let it go.
Lagi, ada pro dan kontra yang aku pertimbangkan.
Lagi, apa keputusan ini tepat? I don't know.
Aku masih kecewa akan keputusan ini. (Yes, I am dissappointed, even though it was my decision)
But again, I have decided and I'll bear the consequences. And I'll learn from whatever comes out of this decision.

Hmm, mengambil keputusan selalu saja menjadi masalah yang tidak ringan bagiku.

So I decided to just... do it. Decide things for myself. For my life. Not depend too much on others.

Okay now, to end this not-so-useful-writing, here is a nice quote.

A wise man makes his own decisions, an ignorant man follows public opinion

Chinese Proverbs quotes